About Club Canine

About Club Canine

Club Canine has been providing high quality raw pet food since 2000. We are located in the beautiful country mountains in Mission, BC.

As one of the pioneering companies for raw pet food in BC, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can only be accumulated by decades of practice.

Ash Hill – Owner Pet Nutrition coach After working for many years in a fast-paced job, Ash was determined to take his wealth of knowledge and the importance of family life and pet ownership to the next level. As a husband, father of two sons and a pet owner, Ash’s honesty, hard work and quick wit has made him the man he is today and is looking forward to serving you all in this industry.

Formulated with input from vets, health care practitioners and decades of experience all our products are designed to be simple, nutritious and above all protect and promote the health of your furry friends.

Club Canine’s goal is to provide an assortment of quality meats at affordable prices. Our packaging comes in convenient single servings up to bulk 4.5 kg packages for single and multiple dog owners. Our ingredients are human grade and are available as organic or hormone free options.

After two decades we continue to commit ourselves to your pets to ensure they can be nourished by nature and nurtured by your love.

Where possible all our meat, fruit and veggies are sourced locally from accredited and inspected meat processing facilities (Our Kangaroo comes from a little further away).

We are a proud member of BC Meats. BC Meats is an association representing producers, processors, retailers, butcher shops and chefs who provide sustainable and safe meats for BC consumers. The BC meat industry is a collaborative organization which promotes and educates the value chain in order to grow a sustainable industry for BC’s producers and processors together with providing safe meat to BC consumers.

We take care to select meat cuts and prepare organs that are perfect for your all of your pet’s needs. Whether it’s for training, snacks, supplements or meals we pride ourselves on keeping it simple but incredibility tasty.

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