Why Choose Raw?

Why Buy Raw Foods?

Putting it simply, it’s what all animals were designed for !! You don’t put diesel in a gas car and expect performance.

The diet you supply to your pet plays an extremely important role in your pets’ happiness, energy factor and most importantly their overall health.

If you study your pets’ breed and talk to your veterinarian about their requirements, you’ll find yourself with a happier and healthier pet feeding them raw.

As a general rule, it can be stated that your pet is prone to many of the same health problems as any human being. Obesity and malnutrition should be of great concern to every pet owner as they can lead to even more complicated side effects. Many breeds also seem to have their own particular health problems.

Being informed and understanding your pets’ individual needs will go a long way in helping your pet have a longer and happier life.

  • Boosted immune system – raw fed pets have increased resistance to viruses, bacteria & parasites
  • No more “doggy” odour – Raw fed dogs don’t smell
  • Healthy skin & shiny coat
  • Cleaner teeth & healthy gums – bones are natures toothbrush
  • Fresher breath
  • Improved digestion – no more ‘irritable bowels’/diarrhea
  • Less stool – and less odour
  • Fewer or no fleas
  • Optimal bodyweight is easily obtained and maintained
  • Increased energy & vitality
  • Reduces the incidence of arthritis in pets
  • Fewer fertility/breeding/birthing problems
  • Behaviour problems lessen – Hyper dogs tend to settle down
  • Dogs (and cats) look forward to their meals
Our products have been developed around your pets’ most basic needs. Contact us and we’ll be happy to help you develop a natural and healthy diet for your pet.

But What Do Vets Say?

“Meat should be raw. Cooking destroys enzymes and denatures the proteins rendering them less digestible to cats and dogs.”

“Dogs and cats need raw meat to be really healthy and even the best processed foods cook their good ingredients, & most commercially available foods, even the expensive ones, use the cheapest ingredients (that means dead, diseased and decaying meat & by-products).”

Christina Chambreau, DVM

“Raw meaty bones promote health”. “Dingoes and feral cats keep themselves healthy by eating whole carcasses. The closer you come to this idea for pets e.g. dogs and cats the better.”

“As the natural pet food industry increases, so does the artificial industry, together with its harmful effects, should go into decline… No more slurping of canned stew, no more rattle of dry pellets; instead, the sounds of nature, the crunching of raw meaty bones.”

Tom Lonsdale, DVM

“The very best way to feed pets is to turn them loose to eat their natural prey.”

“Nutrition is serious health business. The public is not well served by exclusively feeding products from companies without any real commitment to health… or knowledge of how to even achieve that.

“Recent studies have shown processed foods to be a factor in increasing numbers of pets suffering from cancer, arthritis, obesity, dental disease and heart disease”.

Dr. Randy Wysong, DVM

“Dogs should eat raw food – raw meat and bones, vegetables and fruit. If they were meant to eat processed, sterilized food, they would have evolved with tin openers instead of dew claws.”

Nick Thompson BSc.(Hons), BVM&S, VetMFHom, MRCVS

“If salmonella really is a problem, then we should be just as concerned with processed pet food”. He states that “Salmonellae has been found in commercial pet foods, something the public never learns.”

Dr. Donald Strombeck, Phd, DVM

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